Form Patient Intake - MLD For first-time customers ONLY Patient Information First Name Middle Name Last Name Birthdate Sex Email Local Address City State Zip Preferred Language Cell Phone Home Phone Work Phone Referring Physician Primary Physician Physician's Phone Permanent Address Permanent Address Emergency Contact Name Relationship Home Phone Work Phone Is the Patient the financially responsible party? YesNo If No, please complete this section Name Sex Relationship Address City State Zip Daytime Phone Employer Address City State Zip Is the reason for your visit the result of an accident? YesNo Note: Not all FMC offices accept auto or workman compensation patients. Please check which type of accident: Workman CompensationAutomobileOther Date of accident Place of accident How did the accident happen? Claim # Claim Representative / Adjuster If Workman Compensation please complete this section Employer Name Employer Phone Address City State Zip Medical History Surgical Procedure performed: Name of Surgeon Surgery Date Allergies (Include medications, foods, environmental, etc.): Current Medications (List all, including over-the-counter and supplements): Medical Conditions (Check all that apply): DiabetesHeart DiseaseHigh Blood PressureKidney DiseaseLiver DiseaseCancerThrombosisRecent SurgerySkin ConditionsOthers List Others: History of Lymphedema: YesNo If yes, please describe Lifestyle and Habits Physical Activity: SedentaryLight ActivityModerate ActivityHeavy Activity Smoking: YesNo If yes, how many per day Alcohol Consumption: YesNo /span> If yes, how many drinks per week Diet: BalancedUnbalancedSpecial Diet Please specify special diet: Previous Massage Therapy Have you had massage therapy before? YesNo Have you had Manual Lymphatic Drainage therapy before? YesNo If yes, were there any adverse reactions? YesNo If yes, please describe: Current Symptoms Swelling: YesNo If yes, where? Pain or Discomfort: YesNo If yes, where? Other Symptoms or Concerns: Areas to Treat: HIPAA & MLD Consent and Agreement I acknowledge that I have received a copy of Radiant Recharge LLC's HIPAA Privacy Notice. I understand that Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a gentle massage technique intended to help promote the drainage of lymphatic fluid. I acknowledge that the therapist is not a medical doctor and that MLD is not a substitute for medical treatment. I have informed the therapist of all my known physical conditions and medications and will keep the therapist updated on any changes. Please sign below: You may need to click the submit button twice.